Bosch washer error code E02

While some of the error codes on the display of your Bosch washer reflect minor issues, which are easy to solve, the E02 Error code signalizes that not everything is right with the motor of your device. The indication of the error on the control panel is followed by the cancellation of the washing cycle and blockage of the drum.

What can cause the E02 error?

The error is most likely caused by the malfunction of the motor or its wire connections. There may also be a breakage if the Hall sensor, which affects the drum rotation.

And of course, it can be a simple system glitch, a short failure of the control board, so first thing to do to eliminate this possibility — reset the machine, switching it off and unplugging for 10-15 minutes.

While the device is unplugged check another appliance in the same socket. Sometimes the main voltage is the reason and here you may need the help of a professional electrician.

If the code does not disappear after you switch the device back on, proceed with the examination of the engine parts.

How to fix the E02 error?

The engine is the heart of your washer and all the problems with it are critical but don’t panic, it might be just worn out brushes, which can easily be replaced. The size of the brush does not have to be less than 1cm, so check them carefully and replace those, that are smaller.

To get to the brushes you need to take off the panes from the device, locate the engine, which is placed under the drum, take off the transmission belt and carefully disconnect the motor from the body. Make sure you have each step photographed, as you will need to be exact while installing everything back.

After you replaced the damaged brushes, check the rotor bearings, which can also be out of order because of the water getting to them. Problems with the rotor and bearings can be heard — when the axis is deformed the machine makes a loud sound during the spinning of the drum.

Now that you know the rotor is in order, test the Hall sensor, which is placed right on the drum. This detector controls the speed on the spinning and may block the drum if there is a failure in it. You will need a multimeter to check the operation of the tachosensor, the acceptable indicators are around 70 ohms. Replace the Hall sensor in case it is broken.

With the same multimeter, you can check the engine itself. The number indicated should be from 1 to 7, so in case your multimeter shows less or more — call the specialist and he will make a proper diagnostic. The engine should probably be replaced.

If the engine operates properly, and the tachosensor is fine, the last thing to check is the control unit, which is actually a very rare thing to cause the E02 Error. It also makes sense to consult with the professional repairman, as the electronic module is sensitive and requires a very careful repair or replacement.
