Daewoo washer error codes

The Daewoo Group used to be among the world’s most known conglomerates. It consisted of about 20 divisions. Although the company went bankrupt in 1999, some of its divisions survive today as independent companies.
Want to know whether your Daewoo washer issue is serious enough to hire a service engineer? Looking for reliable DIY repair instructions? Here, you will find the answers you’re looking for. Whatever problem the washing machine is experiencing (problems with the water supply, incorrect drain hose installation, door not locking etc.), it typically displays an error code that shows you the type of problem. To decipher it, refer to the list of Daewoo error codes below.
Daewoo washer error codesDaewoo washer error codes

Daewoo DWC-ED1232 washer error codes

The washer will not operate at all.• Is there a power failure?
• Is the power cord correctly connected to an electric outlet?
• Did you turn on the power?
• Did you press Start/Hold button?
• Is there correct amount of laundry in the washer?
Water is not supplied. Error display IE• Did you connect the inlet hose and open the water tap?
• Is the inlet hose or the water tap frozen?
• Is the water supply shot off?
• Is there any foreign matter blocking up the inlet hose filter?
The washer will not drain. Error display OE• Is the drain hose frozen or blocked up by dirt?
• Is the drain hose kinked or deformed?
• Is the end of the drain hose immersed in water?
• Is there excessive dirt inside the drain filter?
The washer will not spin. Error display UE• Is the clothes in the drum collected on one side?
• Is the washer installed on an uneven floor or is the vibration serious?
• Is the door open? (The lamp “Hi" will light up in this case.)
The washer will stop during spinning.
Spinning is insufficient.
Error display PFE
• Is the filter of the drain pump clogged?
• Is the drain pump operated?
• Did you use the proper amount of detergent?
• Is the drain hose placed higher than 1m above floor?
Vibrating and too noisy• Is the washer installed on an uneven floor?
• Have all the transit bolts removed?
E8 and E9 If this error mode are showed on PCB board, please contact service center.

Daewoo DWD-F1011 washer error codes

ERROR MESSAGEIndicator Light twinkling
Start/HoldIntensive washRinse+Rinse Hold
PFE, OE, E4xx
E7, E8xx
E2, E9xxx
H2, H4, H5, H6, H8xxx

IEWATER INLET ERRORThe water tap is closed.Open the water tap.
The filter of the valve inlet is clogged.Clean the filter of the valve inlet.
The valve inlet is an inferior product or broke down.Change the valve inlet.
The water level sensor (sensor pressure) is an inferior product or broke down.Change the water level sensor (sensor pressure).
The drain motor works during water supply.Change the drain motor.
The PCB ASS’Y does not check the water level.Change the PCB ASS'Y.
OEDRAIN ERRORThe drain hose is kinked or clogged.Clean and straighten the drain hose.
The drain motor is an inferior product.Change the drain motor.
The valve inlet works during drain.Change the valve inlet
The water level sensor is an inferior product.Change the water level sensor.
The PCB ASS’Y does not check the water level.Change the PCB ASS'Y.
UEUNBALANCE ERRORThe laundry is concentrated to one side of the drum during spin.Rearrange the laundry.
LEDOOR OPEN ERRORThe Start/Hold button is pressed while the door is opened.Close the door.
The switch door lock is an inferior product.Change the switch door lock.
The PCB ASS’Y does not check the door lock.Change the PCB ASS’Y.
E2OVERFLOW ERRORThe water is supplied continuously due to an inferior valve inlet.Change the valve inlet.
The valve inlet is normal, but the water level sensor (sensor pressure) is inferior.Change the water level sensor (sensor pressure).
The drain motor dose not work. (The drain motor is an inferior product or broke down.)Change the drain motor.
E4LEAKAGE ERRORWater leaks from the tub or the hose drain.Check the leak of the tub or the hose drain. Then change the tub or the hose drain.
E5HIGH VOLTAGE ERRORThe laundry is jammed between the gasket and the drum.Rearrange the laundry.
The PCB ASS’Y is an inferior product.Change the PCB ASS’Y.
E6EMG ERRORThe laundry is jammed between the gasket and the drum.Rearrange the laundry.
The motor is an inferior product.Change the motor.
The PCB ASS’Y is an inferior product.Change the PCB ASS’Y.
E8MOTOR ERRORThe motor is not normally connected.Check the connector of the motor.
The motor does not work. (The motor is an inferior product or broke down.)Change the motor.
E9SENSOR PRES- SURE ERRORThe water level sensor is an inferior product.Change the water level sensor.
H2THERMISTOR WASH ERRORThe thermistor wash is an inferior product or broke down.Change the thermistor wash.
The thermistor wash is not connected normally.Check the connector of the thermistor wash.
H4THERMISTOR WASH OVERHEATING ERRORThe heater worked without the water in the tub.Check the water level.
The thermistor wash is an inferior product or broke down.Change the thermistor wash.
H5WATER TEMP. ERRORThe water temp, is over 45°C in delicate & wool course. (The thermistor wash is an inferior product or broke down.)Change the thermistor wash.
H6HEATER WASH ERRORThe heater wash dose not work.Change the heater wash.
(The water temp, doesn't rise over2°C during 15min.)
H8HEATER WASH OVERHEATING ERRORThe heater worked without the water in the tub.Check the water level and the heater wash.
lbIGBT ERRORThe PCB ASS’Y is an inferior product.Change the PCB ASS’Y.
PFEPUMP FILTER ERRORThe drain pump filter is clogged.Clean the drain pump filter.
The drain pump does not work during spin.Change the drain pump.
The large amount of detergent was used.Use the proper amount of detergent.
The drain hose is placed higher than 1 m above the floor.Place the drain hose 1 m below the floor

Daewoo DWC-LU1011 washer error codes

Error displayPossible/Cause
E9This error occurs when the water level sensor frequency is over 30 KHz or below 15
KHz and also when the frequency is increased suddenly by more than 1.44 KHz in four seconds after filling up water. Water level sensor hose is off the position. (This feature will be applied later after reviewing in the future)
dE This error occurs if the door lock is not set to open or close when the door lock solenoid is operated more than 10 times. This error is cleared when the door is open.
LEThis error indicates that the door opens during the operation of the washing machine. Procedure to handle this error. Close the door then the lock is engaged and the course continues
SEThis error indicates that the safety switch is open right before entering the spin stage.
QEThis error occurs when water is not drained for more than 15 minutes.
IEThis error occurs when the water level sensor frequency does not change by more than 0.08KHz for 10 minutes after the start of water filling, and also when the water is not filled up for 60 minutes.
Procedure to handle this error: Open and close the door, check the water valve and water pressure, and press Start/Pause button, then the error is cleared and water will be filled again.
UEThis error occurs when the unbalance switch is activated a third time after performing the unbalance operation (water fill + wash) twice during the spin stage.
Procedure to handle this error: Open the door, arrange the contents evenly, and close the door. Then the error will be cleared and spinning will be performed again
E5(DC-Link High Voltage) Error
In case DC-link voltage to IPM increases to 450V or higher
Motor operation is stopped and 'E5' is shown in the display window.
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
E6(EMG) Error
In case current detected with EMG port is of 20A or higher
Motor operation is stopped and 'E6' is shown in the display window.
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/ on power.
E7(Direction) Error
In case signal of Hall IC is different from the predicted signal according to direction of rotation
Motor operation is stopped and 'E7' is shown in a display window.
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/ on power.
E8(Initial Operation Fail) Error
In case input signal of Hall IC is abnormal due to problems in motor connection, etc.
Motor operation is stopped and 'E8' is shown in a display window.
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/ on power.
H2Washing temperature sensor open/short
In case washing temperature sensor is defective or not connected
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
H4Washing temperature sensor overheating
In case temperature detected by washing temperature sensor is 95ᴱ or higher
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
H5Water temperature error in wool/delicate course
In case water temperature in wool/delicate course is 45ᴱ or higher
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
H6Abnormality in washing heater
Within 15 minutes after heater operation begins;
In case standard temperature is of 42ᴱ or lower: If temperature does not increase by 2ᴱ or more
In case standard temperature is higher than 42ᴱ: If temperature does not increase by1ᴱ or more
If the temperature falls below standard temperature by 2ᴱ or more due to re-supply of water, etc., standard temperature is reset as the current temperature and error check time of15 minutes is reset.
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
H8Washing heater overheating
In case washing heater temperature increases by 5ᴱ or more within 30 seconds when there is no water in tank, etc.
Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
b1Motor alignment error
This error occurs when the alignment of the motor at the initial stage of motor operation is against the logic.
b2Motor speed control error
This error occurs when the difference between the current speed and target speed is greater than 120 RPM.
b3Low voltage error
This error occurs when the DC-LINK voltage is lower than 140V
b4Motor startup overloading error
This error occurs when there is no hall sensor input within 400 msec at motor startup due to overloading or motor lock.
E1 Water level detection error
1) Conditions of Occurrence. In case water level is below reset or overflow is detected in line test mode
2) Water supply motor is kept on until water level falls below reset.
3) All LEDs are turned off and 'E1' blinks in 18:88 display.
4) Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
5) Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.
E2Overflow error
1) Conditions of Occurrence. In case water level in water tank is above overflow level due to continuous operation of water supply valve
2) Water supply motor is kept on until water level falls below reset.
3) All LEDs are turned off and 'E2' blinks in 18:88 display.
4) Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
5) Error display is cleared when turning off/on power
E4Water leakage during washing
1) Conditions of Occurrence. In case water level falls below re-supply even after 15 times of re-supply prior to finishing of water heating
2) All LEDs are turned off and 'E4' blinks in 18:88 display.
3) Error buzzer alarm is sounded for 10 seconds per every 10 minutes.
4) Error display is cleared when turning off/on power.