Samsung wa48j7770awa2 washer error codes

Information CodeMeaningAction
UbUnbalanced load prevents washer from spinning.Redistribute the load, and then press the Start/Pause button.
dC1The washer did not properly lock the door.Make sure the door is firmly closed. Restart the washer. If the code reappears, call customer service
5CThe washer does not drain. The washer may detect a small clog while draining.1. Restart the washer.
2. Select the Spin Only cycle.
3. Press the Start/Pause button to drain the water.
If the washer still does not drain, call customer service
4CYour Washer has tried to fill but was unsuccessful. Check if the hot water supply hose is connected.Check for the water taps and hoses connection(hose bent and inlet screens). If using a flood safety device, remove the device and directly connect the water hoses to the washer.
The hot water supply hose must be connected because the Auto Temperature Control (A.T.C.) function supplies hot water if the temperature of cold water is lower than 59 °F.
tC1Temperature sensor problem.Restart the washer. If the code reappears, call customer service.
3CMotor problem.
dCLid is open when washer is running.Close the lid tightly and restart the cycle. If the code reappears, call for service.
dC1Your washer failed to lock the lid.
LCWater level problem.Call customer service.
OC/1CWater level sensor problem
bC2Jammed button.
ACCommunication error (SUB (sensor) PBA - MAIN PBA).
AC3Communication error (DR Module - MAIN PBA).
AC4Communication error (WIFI PBA - MAIN PBA)
AC5Communication error (LCD PBA - MAIN PBA)
AC6Communication error (Inverter PBA - MAIN PBA)
8C/8C2MEMS sensor problem
4C2This occurs when the temperature exceeds 50, for over 8 seconds in the Wool and Delicates course
PCWhen position of the clutch can’t be detected.
PC1After position of the clutch is detected, if the signal of the clutch hall goes wrong, occurs error.
Sud/SdThe washer has detected too many suds. The washer will stop operating until the amount of suds has reduced. The washer will then resume normal operation.