Samsung washer 2e error code

What to Do if There Is the 2E Error Code

  1. Switch it off for 2 to 3 minutes:

This can be due to a glitch or software problem. If it is, the resetting should work. Unplug your machine and wait for a few minutes, so that the capacitors on the control board will discharge and cool down. Then switch the machine on.

  1. Check the wire harness and connections:

The error can occur due to a connection problem in the power control board. It is advisable to check each and every wire and connector. Please, use a little patience and disconnect and reconnect each wire at a time. Make sure that all connections are secure. Check for loose or shorted connections and fix it when necessary. What you have checked all of them, try a quick cycle.

If the error persists, there may be a problem in the main control board itself. In this case, it will need to be replaced. It is not as difficult as it is time-taking.

How Do I Replace the MCB

In these machines, the MCB is located at the bottom of the rear panel, and it is concealed in a yellow or (rarely) white plastic case. To remove the MCB, please, undo Philip head screws, which hold it to the washer’s back. Please, be careful and do it in a gentle way. The MCB should slide off from the grooves on the panel.

Now you can remove the control cover and see the Samsung’s signature plug-and-play wiring. Each wire has a little tab on its end. Press down on a tab and gently disconnect the wire: it will go effortlessly.

Wires are long enough to be swapped over each other one time. It is advisable to take pictures, so you won’t lose track and will be able to reconnect everything properly. This is a very helpful practice, especially if you are working with a new kind of device or one you’ve never worked with before.
