Smeg Washer Error Codes

Smeg washers are efficient and reliable, but they are prone to breaking, too. If your Smeg washer doesn’t work for some reason, you can perform the troubleshooting process on your own. There’s no need to pay for expensive repair made by third-party companies or wait for ages when the device is repaired under the official warranty.

Below, you can see the repair and maintenance manuals for different models of Smeg washing machines. They are made in the form of tables for your convenience. You will see the list of common technical issues, possible causes, and ways to solve the problem.

Cannot define what’s wrong? In most cases, the washer will display the error code on the monitor – it corresponds to some certain technical malfunction. Using the tables here you can quickly define the fault and find ways to eliminate it. These instructions are taken from official sources, they are correct and reliable. Even an average user without technical skills can follow the guidelines and perform a minor repair.

Please, note that if you cannot implement some of the steps from instructions and perform the repair on your own, you should contact a professional repair service center. Some serious malfunctions and software faults can be eliminated by professionals only.

Smeg WMFABP1 Washer Error Codes

Washer SymptomPossible Cause/Solution
OPENDoor not property closed. Try reclosing.
E1Aqua stop device tripped. Cut off power supply, turn off water tap and contact nearest service centre.
E5Water not taken in for washing.
E6Water not pumped out.

Smeg GW2045 Washer Error Codes

1The water is not heated within the required times.Alarm on during the heating phase. Check the safety thermostat.
If the thermostat is in a good condition, check that the heating element in the vat and the heating element relay switch work correctly.
4Probe TL1 measures a temperature that is higher than the objective temperature.Repeat the cycle. It may be a temporary alarm. If the alarm continues, the error may be related to a problem with the temperature probe TL1, or to the electronic card that produces the signal
5The working temperature probe TL1 is "open".TL1: Irregular value found - the problem may be related to the probe (damaged or disconnected) or to the electronic card.
11Lack of cold water.The alarm is on during the filling phase. Intervenes when the relative turbine does not count impulses for 30" and the pressure meter does not change. Check the water supply:
1. Check that the inlet tap is open.
2. Check the inlet solenoid valve power.
3. Check the water supply pressure.
4. Check the condition of the pressure meter:
5. Check that the turbine works.
13Lack of demineralised water.The alarm is on during the filling phase. Intervenes when the relative turbine does not count impulses for 30" and the pressure meter does not change. Check the demineralised water supply:
1. Check that the inlet tap is open.
2. If the water is in a tank, check that it is not open or placed to low.
3. Check the inlet solenoid valve power.
4. Check the water supply pressure.
5. Check the condition of the pressure meter:
6. Check the consistency between the settings on the display and the water mains attachments (presence or lack of demineralised water).
Check that the turbine works.
17The cold water filling time is incorrect.Check the water supply - similarly to the alarm ID11 (taps, pressure, pipe narrowings etc).
Check the working pressure meter condition.
19Excess demineralised water loading time - not active.The machine takes too much time to fill with demineralised water. Check the inlet pressure.
20System fault in filling of the water.Check the water supply (taps, pressure, connections to pipes etc).
22The cold water flowmeter does not measure correctly.
23Insufficient water.
24Lack of water.
25Insufficient pressure in the circulating motor pump.Possible presence of foam in vat. Check the type of detergent used. Repeat the cycle.
29No draining.Check the outlet connection.
30Water safety level.Repeat the cycle. Call the Technical Assistance Service if the fault persists.
31Safety level fault.
32Standing water in the washing chamber.
52Door is electrically open.Check that the door is closed before proceeding with a programme cycle.
Open and close the door. Check the condition of the micro-switch that detects closing. Call the Technical Assistance Service if the fault persists.
54Door is mechanically open.Check that the door is closed before proceeding with a programme cycle. Call the Technical Assistance Service if the fault persists.
56Door lock fault.
73Cycles archive is full.Error within the microprocessor. These are overwritten one at a time once the cycles archive becomes full.
Call the Technical Assistance Service if the fault persists.
77Inlet water temperature higher than 45C. prewashing must be carried out at temperatures below 45C.The alarm trips when the temperature at the start of the cycle is greater than 450.
Wait for the machine to cool before starting a new cycle.
78Microprocessor failure.Error within the microprocessor.
Call the Technical Assistance Service if the fault persists.
81Demineralised water inlet problem - not active.Check the water supply:
Tap open
Inlet water pressure
Absence of narrowing in connection pipe).
Check the condition of the demineralised water turbine.
Repeat the cycle, the malfunction may be temporary.
82Door lock coil fault.Repeat opening. Call the Technical Assistance Service if the fault persists.
The active alarm in the door opening phase: If. after a series of opening impulses, the door remains closed, intervene. Check that the solenoid run is not blocked and that the opening piston on the side of the vat releases correctly.
94Unstable temperatureThis malfunction can be temporary: Repeat the cycle. Check that the temperature probe is functioning properly.

Smeg GW1160 Washer Error Codes

AF:01Water not heated within time allowed.For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:02The temperature difference between the two probes, "TL1" and "TC", is more than 2°C (only active on WD series)For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:04Probe "TL1" (chamber temperature) reads a higher temperature than the effective one.For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:05Working temperature probe “TL1" is generating an abnormal signal (probe “open”).For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:07Drying temperature probe TA1 is generating an abnormal signal (probe “open”).For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:10Control temperature probe TLC is generating an abnormal signal (probe "open”). (only active on WD series)For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:11No cold water during filling.Check the water supply:
1. Check that the intake tap is open.
2. Check the water supply pressure.
3. Check that the filler hoses are correctly positioned.
Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:13No demineralised water.Check the water and demi water supply:
1. Check that the intake tap is open.
2. If using water from a tank (with PAD accessory), check that the tank is not empty or placed too low down.
3. Check the water supply pressure.
4. Check that the display settings actually correspond to the water connections (demi water present or not).
Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:17Cold water filling time not correct.Checks and procedures as for AF:11
AF:19Demi filling time too long. The appliance is taking too long to take in demineralised water.Checks and procedures as for AF:13
AF:23Not enough water. Chamber water level too low.Checks and procedures as for AF:11
Also check that there are no leaks from the appliance (no water around it).
If there are leaks: turn off all water supply taps at once and contact the After-Sales Service.
AF:25Anomaly related to the circulating pump "ML". Circulating pump pressure too low.There may be foam in the chamber.
Check the type of detergent used.
For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:26Water being taken into chamber at wrong time. Cold water intake valve "EVF" may have failed.Check the water supply:
Check that the water supply pressure is within the permitted range.
Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
Also check that there are no leaks from the appliance (no water around it).
If there are leaks: turn off all water supply taps at once and contact the After-Sales Service.
AF:28Demineralised water being taken into chamber at wrong time. Cold water intake valve "EVF" may have failed.Check the water supply:
Check that the demineralised water supply pressure is within the permitted range.
Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
Also check that there are no leaks from the appliance (no water around it).
If there are leaks: turn off all water supply taps at once and contact the After-Sales Service.
AF:29Chamber does not empty. No drainage.Check the connection to the water drain,
especially that the height of the drain connections complies with the specified requirements and that there are no restrictions in the drain hoses.
AF:30During the working cycle, the chamber water level exceeds the safety level. Water safety level.Check the water supply to the appliance:
1.Intake pressure.
2. That the connections are correct
For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE. If there are leaks: turn off all water supply taps at once and contact the After-Sales Service.
AF:32Water standing in washing chamber with appliance in standby.For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE. If there are leaks: turn off all water supply taps at once and contact the After-Sales Service.
AF:33Steam condenser water intake anomaly. No water in steam condenser.Indicates that there is no water in the steam condenser when there should be.
Check the water supply:
1. Intake water pressure
2. That the connections are correct
3. Blockages or restrictions in hoses.
Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:34Steam condenser water drainage failure.Check that the drain connections are correct:
1. Height and position of the drain connection
2. That the connections are correct
3. Blockages or restrictions in hoses.
For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:37Drainage problems when using a mixture of water.The use of a mixture of water is an option adopted in special cases to cool the water discharged into the drain.
1. The intake water temperature; if the water is not cold enough (recommended T
2. Problems with drain; check that the hoses and drain connections meet the specified requirements.
A-:41PI detergent intake anomaly1. Check that the detergent intake nozzle is correctly positioned in the can.
2. Check for detergent leaks (pools of detergent around the device).
This code provides a warning; it is not an alarm which cuts out the appliance. Operation of the device can be continued by pressing the Start/Stop button.
A-:42P2 detergent intake anomalyProceed as for AF:41
A-:43P3 detergent intake anomalyProceed as for AF:41
AF:54Door opening detected with cycle in progress. Door interlock microswitch malfunction.1. Make sure the door is closed properly before starting a cycle.
2. Do not force the door open with a cycle in progress; always use the buttons provided on the appliance to stop a cycle and open the door.
3. Check there is nothing between the door and the appliance's chamber preventing the door from closing properly.
3. Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:56Door locking device malfunction, automatic opening failureAlways make sure the door is closed properly before starting a cycle.
Try to open the appliance again by pressing the Door opening button.
If necessary, release the door lock by hand
Follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:58Dryer heating failure. (Only on GW4060).For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:67Dryer motor "cooling" malfunction. Cooling is included at the end of the drying phase to bring the load processed and the heating elements to a safe temperature. (Only on GW4060).For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
A-:68PI can emptyCheck that there is detergent in the jerry can or that the level sensor is operating correctly.
This is a warning and not an alarm as such; the washing cycle can be started with this message present (i.e. overriding the warning) by pressing the Start/Stop button again (hold it down for 2 seconds).
Activated at the end of the cycle and when the user attempts to start a new program. If two or more similar alarms (e.g. cans PI and P2 empty), the Start/Stop button will have to be pressed twice or more before the cycle can be started. (The device's internal memory records the event but allows execution of the cycle).
A-:69P2 can emptyAs for "A-:68"
A-:70P3 can emptyAs for "A-:68"
AF:73Internal memory data storage errorFor the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:74Water leak from chamber. Alarm only enabled with the Aquastop accessory fitted.Turn off the water supply taps. Contact the After-Sales Service.
AF:75No salt in softener. This alarm does not appear on the Display but is recorded in the appliance memory; the relative LED illuminates on the display.Add salt to the softener salt tank inside the chamber, accessible with the door open.
AF:77Intake water temperature over 45 C; prewash temperature must be below 45°C. Alarm generally disabled on GW series products.The alarm occurs when the temperature is over 45°C at the start of the cycle.
Wait for the appliance to cool before starting a new cycle.
AF:78Restore fail. Problem of motherboard.For the user: follow the DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above. If the alarm does not disappear, follow the RESET PROCEDURE.
AF:79Program not compatible.This alarm is triggered if a program is created using the WD- TRACE software using procedures not compatible for the proper performance of the cycle. Reconsider the program created phase by phase; it may be useful to compare it with an original Smeg program provided as reference
Pay special attention to the version of the appliance being used; e.g. do not activate peristaltic pump P3 when writing the program if this pump is not installed.
AF:84Dryer temperature reading higher than actual temperature. (Only on GW4060).Wait for the alarm to be resolved automatically.
During automatic management of the AF:84 alarm the RESET cycle cannot be started.
Do not disconnect the electricity supply to the device: the overheating problem is being dealt with automatically, with a heating element cooling cycle.
The DEFAULT PROCEDURE described above cannot be implemented until the end of the automatic process.
AF:91Internal memory full.This alarm only occurs if the appliance parameter that prevents overwriting in the memory is enabled.
With the default setting, this alarm will not occur.
Memory space must be cleared to allow use of the appliance: this can be done by connecting to the appliance by means of the RS-232 serial port and using the Smeg WD-TRACE software.
AF:92Drying filter maintenanceThe absolute filter in the drying system has exceeded the set number of working hours. Contact the After-Sales Service to have the filter changed. The filter is a consumable and is not covered by the warranty.
Press the Start/Stop button to override the message and continue using the device.
The device’s internal memory records the event.
With a fouled filter, drying will be poor.

Smeg KTL6 Washer Error Codes

Red indication lamp lights upIndication on display (if fitted on your machine)Description Causes Solutions
'Water tap closed" Appliance has no or insufficient water supply. The "Start/Pause" light flashes.
Check whether: • Water tap is fully open and water supply pressure is sufficient.
• Kinks are present in water inlet hose.
• Mesh filter of water supply hose is blocked
• Water hose is frozen up.
• Safety valve inspection window of your water supply hose is red replace the hose by a new one available through our After-Sales Service or your specialist dealer.
After problem has been removed, restart programme by pressing "Start/Pause". If the fault occurs again, contact our After-Sales Service
'Clean pump"Waste water is not pumped out. The appliance stops in the corresponding programme step: unplug it and check whether:
• Kinks are present in the drain hose.
• Filter or pump is blocked
• The drain hose is frozen up.
After problem has been removed, select and start 'Drain' programme or push 'Reset" button for at least 3 seconds: afterwards restart desired programme. If the fault occurs again, contact our After-Sales-Service
“Service”"bdd" (in case your washing machine has no display: all lamps of the programme sequence indicator light up)Appliance stops during the programme.
• Drum flaps open (the drum flaps have not been closed properly).
Push the "Reset" button for at least 3 seconds and wait until the "Door open" lights up. Open lid and close drum flaps, then select and start desired programme again. If fault persists, notify our After-Sales Service.
from 'F02" to 'F35" (except “F09')"Electrical module fault"
Select and start "Drain" programme or push
• "Reset" button for at least 3 seconds.
“F09”• Water level too high' (after programme cancellation or false operating). Switch off appliance and then switch it on again, select programme 'Drain' and start within 15 sec.
“FA"Waterstop fault
Switch off appliance, pull out mains plug and turn water tap off. Tilt appliance forward carefully to allow collected water to flow out from the bottom. Then:
• Plug in the appliance again.
• Turn the water tap on (if water immediately flows into the appliance without the appliance being started, there is a failure: turn off the tap and notify After-Sales Service).
• Select and start the desired programme again.
Too much foam interrupted the wash programme.
• Select and start "Rinse & Spin" programme
• Afterwards select and start desired programme again, using less detergent.
If faults persist, unplug the appliance, turn off the water tap and contact our After-Sales Service

Smeg DFC612BK Washer Error Codes

Error code Cause Solution
E1Acquastop failureThe anti-flooding system has been activated. The system is tripped in case of water leaks. Contact the after-sales service.
E2Safety levelThe system which limits the water level inside the dishwasher has been tripped. Interrupt the program and switch off the dishwasher. Switch the dishwasher back on, program it again and start the washing cycle. If the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E3Water heating malfunctionThe water is not heated or the heating parameters are not correct. Repeat the washing program; if the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E4Water temperature monitoring malfunctionInterrupt the program and switch off the dishwasher. Switch the dishwasher back on, program it again and start the washing cycle. If the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E5Water intake malfunctionThe appliance does not take in water or does not do so correctly. Check that the water connections are correct, the water intake tap is turned on and the filter is not fouled. If the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E6Water pump-out malfunctionThe appliance does not pump out the water or does not do so correctly. Check that the drain hose is not kinked or crushed and that the siphon and filter are not fouled. If the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E7Turbine flow-regulator malfunctionThe appliance is not able to "measure" the amount of water loaded accurately. Interrupt the program and switch off the dishwasher. Switch the dishwasher back on, program it again and start the washing cycle. If the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E8Alternate washing system malfunctionInterrupt the program and switch off the dishwasher. Switch the dishwasher back on, program it again and start the washing cycle. If the problem persists, contact the after-sales service.
E9Water intake system malfunctionContact the after-sales service.

Smeg GW2050H-F Washer Error Codes

E1/E2The system that limits the level of the water in the instrument washer has activated. (Safety Level). Since this could be a temporary fault, attempt to start the machine again. Call the Assistance Service if the fault persists.
E3The instrument washer is unable to heat the water.
This alarm activates when the machine is unable to raise the temperature of the water by at least 1°C in 3 minutes.
After the RESET procedure, turn the machine off and on again. Contact your nearest authorized Assistance Center if the fault persists.
E4The temperature measuring system is faulty.
Call the Technical Assistance Service.
E5The instrument washer fails to fill with water.
Make sure that: the water fill cock is open; the filter on the water fill pipe inlet is not clogged; there are no throttles in the water fill pipe.
Contact your nearest authorized Assistance Center if the fault persists.
E6The instrument washer fails to drain.
Make sure that: the drain hose is not crushed or clogged; the water drain pipe is not clogged; the filter of the instrument washer is not clogged.
This alarm occurs when the filling pressure switch fails to reset within 3 minutes from the drain pump having started.
Contact your nearest authorized Assistance Center if the fault persists.
E7/E9The machine is unable to correctly measure the quantity of water filled.
After the RESET procedure, turn the machine off and on again.
Contact your nearest authorized Assistance Center if the fault persists.
EAThe machine has been unable to terminate the current program for some reason.
This alarm activates in various situations: when the machine is turned off during the heating phase with T> 35°C; .when the door is opened and the temperature in the washing chamber is > 35°C .when the program is stopped and the temperature in the washing chamber is > 35°C
Contact your nearest authorized Assistance Center if the fault persists.

Smeg SLB12SB Washer Error Codes

Error code Cause
ON-OFF and washing programme selection knobThis knob lets you: • switch the machine on and off by moving it in either direction from the OFF position (knob indicator vertical)
• select washing temperatures within the various fabric sectors by turning it in both directions
The knob does not move while the programme is running.
The programme is electronically controlled by the machine.
Time remaining shown on display LEDThis LED indicates that the display is showing the total duration of the selected programme before the programme starts, and the time remaining while the programme is running.
Spin speed shown on display LEDThis LED indicates that the display is showing the maximum spin speed for the selected programme. It stays on while spin speed is being selected with the relative button.
Heating phase LEDDuring the heating cycle, this LED indicates that the programme is in the washing water heating phase.

Smeg STA120 Washer Error Codes

Number of times the "End'’programme phase LED flashes between two 15 second intervalsProblem
5The tub does not fill with water
6The water does not drain from the tub
1A leak has occurred and aquastop has triggered (only for models fitted with this safety device) For this type of error, turn off the water tap, remove the plug and contact the Service Centre.

Smeg SWM107 Washer Error Codes

E01The 1 and 2 number light blinks.The door is not shut properly.Shut the door properly so that you hear the click. If the problem persists, turn off the machine unplug and apply to the nearest authorized service immediately.
E02The 1 and 3 number light blinks.The water level in your machine is below heater. The pressure of your water supply may be low or locking.Turn on the tap to the end .Water may be cut, check it.lf the problem is still continuing,your machine will automatically stop after a while.Unplug your machine, turn off the tap and apply to the nearest authorized sen/ice.
E03The 1 and 4 number light blinks.The pump has failed or the pump filter is obstructed or drain pump is in open circuit.Clean the pump filter.If the problem persists, apply to the nearest authorized service.
E04The 2 and 3 number light blinks.There is an excessive amount of water in your machine.Your machine will automatically drain the water. After your machine has completed the draining process,shut down your machine and unplug. Close the tap and apply to the nearest authorized
E05The 2 and 4 number light blink.The heater of your machine or the heat sensor has failed.Shut down your machine and unplug. Turn off your tap and apply to the nearest authorized service.
E06The 3 and 4 number light blink.The motor has failed.
E07The 2,3 and 4 number light blink.
E08The 1,2 and 3 number light blink.Electronic card has failed.
E09The 1,2 and 4 number light blink.The network voltage is too high or too low.If the network voltage is lower than 150V or higher than 260V, your machine will automatically stop. When the network voltage is recovered, your machine will continue its operation.
E10The 1,3 and 4 number light blink.Communication error.Shut down your machine and unplug. Turn off the tap and apply to the nearest authorized service.